Even though no one reads this anymore - I want to apologize for not posting birthdays. I could not get into the Cox Family Blog on my computer at home. It would let me in but wouldn't let me post anything. It let me change the background, strangly, but nothing else. I finally tried at work and I'm in!! Its actually been a depressing month for me. I hate when bad things happen to good people. And to be really honest I don't think people realize when they make a decision for themself - how many people that effects. Grandpa Cox's Birthday is coming up on Saturday and I just want to say that he was the most unselfish man I have ever known. He always put everyone before himself. He was a giver! He would give the shirt off his back even if it was his last shirt and worry about it later. All he wanted was love and kindness in his family and would hide hurt feelings and anger to keep the peace. I know that its a dream to think all people can be like that, but what a great world it would be if we could be more caring, and less selfish. That we would think of others first, and our wants second. I really believe our children will suffer if we don't. Life is more about giving than taking. Let us be the givers. Let us be more like Grandpa. Happy Birthday Dad. We Love You!