Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tax Day

I know most of you younger readers love Tax Day as you go about frolicking and spending the big windfall you just received from Uncle Sam. But I am here to tell you that the frolicking will end someday as you have no more dependents to claim, no more babysitting to claim, all those wonderful little claims to claim. I guess I am sounding a little bitter as I send off a huge check to the IRS. Its not enough that they take hundreds out of each of our checks but come the end of the year we owe hundreds more. Why you might ask? An older "married couple" has to combine their income which throws you into a different tax bracket and then when your much older husband decides to collect his social security to add to that income it throws you into a way way way higher tax bracket. Our nice tax lady told us if we each contributed $6,000 dollars to an IRA we could reduce our payment by 1/3! Big deal. On top of all this our tax lady told us we might have to pay a penalty because we owe too much tax. Its interesting to see that our income stays the same but our taxes increase. It gives me such great comfort to know the IRS is the one who will be incharge of the Government Health Insurance plan. Some people think the goverment owes them a living. The rest of would gladly settle for a small tax refund.


Erin said...

Amen to that!! I was so excited, our accountant said we would be getting a $6800 refund. Since we owe the IRS money still from last year I was very excited. However, we soon discovered there were some errors in our taxes and we will now be getting a much smaller refund, which we won't even get since we still owe money. Oh well, for a few brief moments I was thrilled.

Unknown said...

lol. We are worried also as this is the first year we will have no dependents to claim. If Skyla would have waited just 4 more months to get married we would have been able to frolic another year. ha ha

Mishelle Noyes said...

Scary!! I don't wanna grow up!! I wanna be a kid!