Friday, April 23, 2010

You Don't Get Better With Age

There's a reason old people can't have kids and the reason is because they can't remember things! Ed and I would be the worst. We would probably forget we even had kids. We would be one of those couples who left their child in the back seat all day while they were at work. Ed is in court as I am writing this trying to stay out of jail for forgetting. He got a letter a couple of weeks ago in the mail telling him that if he didn't show up at court today they would issue a warrant for his arrest. Why? you ask would they want to arrest a sweet man like Ed? Well he had jury duty the month of March and he called in the first week, didn't have to serve. But he forgot to call in the rest of the month. A big no no I guess. Hence the letter from the judge. His only reason and defense is he is old and he forgot. On Wed. I got a call reminding me of an important church meeting on Thurs. nite 8:00 and I had the spiritual thought. Thursday nite at 8:40 I was washing dishes and I remembered the meeting. I never used to forget anything. The really sad thing is that that is not the first time I have forgotten that meeting. And I have no reason except that I'm old and I forgot. We live in our own little world of clothes left in the washer for days, doors left unlocked at night, lights left on all night - even the TV sometimes. A child would not survive in our little world. We can barely take care of Chessie the dog. Poor thing. Its a good thing she can't talk. The other day I came in the house and hollared and hollared for her and she wouldn't come. I shut the door and turned around and there she was, standing- in the house- looking at me like I was an idiot. I don't know whats going to happen to us, If you see us and we have name tags on - its so we can remember who we are. I'm not ready for the old folks home yet so as long as whats his name remembers who I am we'll be ok.


Mishelle Noyes said...

hmmmm...remind me NOT to ask you to watch the kids while Kyle and I leave for the weekend.

j/k! It's just because you don't know how to use cool new hi-tech gadgets that set off alarms to remind you of things. If it wasn't for Kyle's iphone that he stores our whole life in then I would never remember anything. You are not old...heck you still have 25 more years if you live past the average life time of a woman.

Cox Family News said...

I'm sure Katelin would tell you if we ever did anything strange! I can't imagine how bad I'm gonna be in 25 years!

Jodie said...

Aunt Lorrie, I am not even 30 and I can hardly remember my name let alone my kids' names. Evertime I go to Walmart, I always forget something that I REALLy needed and I write things down and I still forget. So, don't feel bad because you are not the only one.