Well there is just one more day left in 2009. When I was in school the year 2010 was a science fiction movie theme. We would all be traveling in outer space by this year and wearing space suits, our mode of transportation would be the monorail. Here we are nearing 2010 and the biggest change in our lives has to be electronic devices -no space suits yet. How did we ever survive without cell phones, DVD's, video games, even microwave ovens!? This year we broke down and bought a Wii. For excercise purposes of course. After I had Jacob- my 9 year old grandson, show me how to run it and how to play it I have been using it morning and night. All we have is the sports games that came with it. Now you would think playing those games wouldn't make me sore - I have been doing arobics every morning - but, but, my BUTT hurts, my shoulders hurt, my arm aches and I think I have Tennis elbow already! Does this mean its doing some good. When I first started I was good at bowling, terrible at tennis but now I'm pretty good, Look out Jacob! Then I tried golf, Hey watch out Tiger Woods! I am good! Haven't tried baseball yet. I guess we can just sit around and let the world pass us by or we can jump in and try the new stuff. Life is good, I can't wait to see whats next.