Monday, March 9, 2009

Day Light Savings Time?

There is only one thing worse than winter weather in March and that is having to set our clocks ahead one hour!!! I have never understood why the government has the right to tell us to set our clocks back and forth. I truely belive it is a communist plot to destroy us. We are like mice in a maze. Blindly plodding along and all of a sudden the path changes and we have to go the other way. We are depressed already from the cold long winter days and then all of sudden now we have to get up an hour earlier! Could the bags under my eyes get any bigger?! So why do we put up with it? Why doesn't someone stand up and say "We're mad as H_ _ L and we're not going to take it any longer!!!!" I say it all the time but not to anybody that cares. Ed just says "Me too" I heard once that the reason was so that the farmers would have longer working days, and so that we could conserve energy by not using our lights or some insane thing like that. Well I think its time that they quit messing with our heads and leave the clocks alone. My biological clock is ticking away fast enough and I need more sleep. Lets all write a letter to President Barack Obama and ask him if he could put an earmark in his Stimulus plan that wouldn't cost anything, just get rid of the daylight savings time thingy. Whose with me?


Seth and CarolAnn said...

I'm with you! ha ha, I agree, it must me a communist plot! I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to squeeze it into the stimulus plan.--at least then the plan would be worth something...oops there is my opinion of Obama showing!

You are hilarious.

AOlson said...

Day light savings time messes me up every year. It was H__l trying to get the kids to bed last night.

Thanks so much for the visit yesterday. I really appreciated it:) Not sure what my plans are yet for Kevin's birthday. Probably dinner somewhere. You guys are welcome to join us if you can. Kevin would like that. Would it be easier to celebrate on a Fri or Sat rather than on Weds? Let me know:)

Todd and Shana said...

I totally agree! Although I did like seeing the light out just a little longer last night!

ab5cgang said...

Oh I am right there with you. I had the hardest time getting myself moving this morning. I was all shaky. My body has its own clock and it hasn't changed over yet.
My kids where up late last night. They couldn't fall asleep. Hoping for a better morning tomorrow.
Thanks again for the great laugh, oh I mean read.