Thursday, February 4, 2010

Some of Us Is Leaving. . . .

Well, pretty soon you will be seeing less of Ed and I. (I hope.) Next August, less than 7 months away, is Ed's 49th class reunion (you heard me right) and we decided if we had to go looking old we might as well NOT go looking fat! Those are 2 combinations that don't go well together. (I also found out his old girlfriend is still alive and will be there.) Of course I am 7 years younger than Ed and for sure I want to LOOK younger. I'm just afraid losing the fat in my face will leave wrinkles in its place and therefore will make me look older - you know - more his age. So now begins the regimen (that means system of diet & excercise) which I should be doing anyway for my heart and well being, but there's no incentive like a class reunion or meeting your husbands old girlfriend that gets you motivated. You might see us bicycling & walking, and hopefully we'll walk our butts off. 7 months should be long enough to lose 25 lbs.. Heck I've lost and gained 25 lbs in 7 months. Maybe I should wait another month before I start. Valentines day is coming up - You can't diet on Valentines day. Well, enough with the excuses, LET THE DIETING BEGIN! I'm sure I will keep you posted on our experiences.


Jodie said...

Good luck you guys! I'm sure y'all will look even better than you already do and Uncle Ed's ex will be so jealous of what a hot, young thing you are!!

Going Family said...

Good on Ya! I like to look at and for workout ideas.

Mishelle Noyes said...

I wish you could come work out with me! I need a workout buddy to keep me motivated!

ab5cgang said...

I think you look great! But I will support ya. Good luck.