Thursday, January 15, 2009

Where's The Sunshine?!

Is anyone else going thru January depression? This is a hard time of year. All the excitement of Christmas is over, and now all we face is cold weather, dirty snow, fog,winter weight gain, and December bills. Its hard to find the joy in this. We partied hardy and now we face the wrath of our own doings, plus winter weather. So how do we find joy this time of year. One way is to sit down and make a list of all the things you have. If you are not homeless or without a family you are pretty much "rich". If your family is in good health you are doubly "rich". (If you're still reading this) - Next I would tell you to make a list of things that don't cost any money that you can do to make yourself happier. Now I am not a professional but these things have worked for me. I usually walk outside for 2 miles every morning but the weather stopped that in Dec. So I got out my old excercise video and started doing excercises - there is also a good stretch and fit program on every morning at 6:30 on TV. and its free! I can't tell you how much this has helped me. Excercising releases endorfans that make you happy. I also gave up Diet Pepsi! Shocked me too. But I heard that the sweetner in diet drinks makes you hungry. Well I don't need to be hungrier. It seems to be working. I have always started out with a diet pepsi at 8:00 in the morning so this has been a big change for me. And I'm not as tired as I used to be. I cleaned my oven last night at 8:00! I'm usually sound asleep by then. I'm also trying to cut out the sugar from my diet. I'm suprised how easy its been. I've tried every diet known to man, I even lost 30 lbs. for Tyson's wedding but gained it all back. Now here we go again. I think our attitude has everything to do with how we feel. I'm trying to be more positive in a negative world. And reading my scriptures in the morning definately help that. (If your still reading this) Each day is gift and I hope you can find happiness in each day. No matter where you are in life: A woman with little kids, A woman with teen agers, an empty nester woman, or lonely widow woman - there are struggles at every stage of life,(just ask Grandma) but you have to make your own happiness, or life just stays the same ole' thing.


AOlson said...

I really enjoyed this post Lorrie. And I did read it all the way through:) I agree wthat it is much better to have a positive outlook even when you think things are bad. It helps you get through. The weather doesn;t help, I just got out my photos of last summer. Us playing on the river with the jet-ski. Old memories that perked me up in those gray-gloomy weather.

ab5cgang said...

I totally agree with you. After teaching that lesson on enjoying the journey I find myself looking at things differently. You can find happiness on these cold winter days. Don't get me wrong I still have my days but they are much further apart. I loved this post. Keep up the good work.

Todd and Shana said...

Thanks for the reminder...sometimes we let these long gray days get the best of us. I know the busier I keep myself, the less time I have to sit here and feel sorry for myself. I have to admit though that I cannot WAIT until summer comes and the kids and I can spend our afternoons at the pool in the sunshine!