Monday, July 6, 2009

Gangsters & Mormons

Hey, that sounds like a great movie. Well it almost was. We had our annual ward 4th of July breakfast at the Warden City Park Saturday morning. Wouldn't you think this would be the safest time to have an outing in Warden. As we were enjoying our Pancakes, eggs, and ham, the "Red Gang" strolled passed our picnic area. We looked at them and they looked at us. I wondered if we should invite them over for breakfast but quickly dimissed the thought. I'm all for fellowshipping but I also had a red T shirt on and didn't want to confuse anyone who might think I was part of their gang. We continued on with our breakfast and had started the clean up when several of the "red gang" members came running back passed us with the police in pursuit. Emma received a phone call from Jodi telling us the blue gang and the red gang had fought and the police were after the red gang. They were hiding in the restrooms and a house across from the park. We witnessed the police take down one and handcuff him right in front of us and then several other police rushed on the scene and took the rest of them into custody. I never planned on our entertainment being a scene fromm "Cops" But it was a little patiotic watching Warden's finest in action. That will be a 4th of July our family will never forget. Especially Chad and Jaycie's kids. AS our family was the one's left doing the clean up. Brian was at Pure Line working and he had watched a bunch of police come flying into town with their lights and sirens going and he called me to see if people were fighting over the pancakes or something. He was suprised to find out we were in the middle of it though. Sorry Erin, I hope this doesn't scare you. My kids will tell you that I am always sticking up for Warden and telling them I'm not afraid. Well maybe now I'm a little afraid. But I think every town has their gangs- well maybe not Lind, and I'm not moving there. I love Warden - but maybe we will have our activities at the church from now on. I would like to say that I couldn't do this Activities job without out Lyn, and Chad & Jaycie. We have had some real exciting experiences but I never thought we might have to start carrying guns. I'll have to talk to the Bishop about that!


Jodie said...

Sounds like a great title to a movie. It can even be shot in Warden (no pun intended). You always make me laugh with your posts Aunt Lorrie! Thanks for that!

AOlson said...

So I guess Roni & Vanessa were right, I definately should NEVER have let Jacob walk to the football field. I had NO idea things were that bad in Warden. What has my sweet little hometown become? So sad.

AOlson said...

I'ld like to give props to my homies Lynn,Chad, and Jacie for watching my back. Much love and Mormons for life. Peace we out! Love K-dog.