Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What Day Is This?

Have you ever asked that question and you really didn't know what day it was? That is where I have been lately. I think its Wednesday and its only Tuesday or I think its Thursday and its Monday. And forget about knowing the date! The days are passing by so fast! I thought when I was this age that I would be sitting on my enclosed patio sipping virgin strawberry daquiries reading romantic novels. What a dream that was. I drove over some railroad tracks the other day and felt the bags under my eyes bounce. But I guess if I didn't have anything to do I wouldn't like that either. I was very suprised the other day when we had our RED CROSS Blood Drive that my blood flowed freely and the nurse said I must have really rested and ate well and prepared myself. What a crock of bull that was. I think it flowed freely because my stress level was running on high and I had had 2 Alieve's already. Speaking of the blood drive I want to thank everyone who helped and also donated blood. I know many tried and were turned away but it took alot of courage to try. I depend so much on my family because I know you won't turn me down. The Red Cross Lady called me and told me how impressed she was about our turn out. We had 38 doners - of which only 20 could donate. But she told me that those 20 pints would save 60 lives! Just when I don't think I can do another thing something nice happens that makes me feel like we really accomplished something and gives me the encouragement I need to go on.
Thanks everyone!

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